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Vacation and Weight Gain

I’m closing in on a 2-week vacation and things aren’t looking too good for the good guy as it relates to maximizing my losing-weight potential. What is it about a vacation that wants me to drink and eat all I want and then some?

According to, there are 30 main reasons why someone might gain weight while on vacation … I am battling at least 13 of them. Check them out via:

I’ve put my workout/activity on hold this week … I have been keeping busy … but, for me, I have noticed the following:

  • I have increased my soda intake. It is so easy to do … it’s convenient and fast and tastes good.
  • I have decreased my water intake … not sure why but I am filling it with soda.
  • Those I am around eat a lot — and I am quick to join in.
  • Going to Florida attractions do not qualify as a workout although I am exhausted at the end of each day.

What are your secrets to losing or at least maintaining your weight while on vacation?

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